2015년 7월 6일 월요일

"Press"JoongAng Daily Thursday, March 27

Today from Korea JoongAng Daily, Troy, a manufacturer of small character marking printer has announced two products T7 and T8 after 5 years of product development.


The small character marking printer is also called continuous inkjet marking printer because of its continual flow of ink even the system temporary stops or pauses.  The system is used to mark expiration or production date, lot numbers, serial numbers and bar code which are very important for quality control in pharmaceutical, food, steel or cosmetic industries.  German and Japanese companies dominate almost 80 percent of the marking printer market and the market.  “Troy is the first Korean company that launches the small character printer for fonts smaller than 11 mm,” said Curt Choi, CEO and founder of Troy.  “Unlike large character printer that is used for lumber and steel industry, small character printing system can’t afford any error or mistakes in numbers.”

Troy also announced its plan to present its flagship products T7 and T8 in upcoming China Propak Exhibition in June.


 /Troy industrial continuous inkjet marking system,

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